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Liturgical Support


view Liturgical Minister Schedule (log in info needed)


Altar Care

Help maintain the appearance of the altar and launder small altar lines. Volunteers rotate monthly. About a half-hour of service is required each week during your month of rotation.


Altar Servers

Both adults and youth in fourth grade and older, help with preparations before Mass, assist the presider during the service, and lead the procession with the gifts. Training is provided for all.


Art & Environment Committee

You can put your gifts for floral or interior design, painting or sewing at the service of our worship.


Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

From September through June during the 9:30 Mass, adult volunteers gather the children in grades K through four and proclaim the Word of God in a language understandable and relevant to them. Training and support are provided.


Children's Mass Committee

Once a month, from September through June, the 9:30 Mass becomes a special Children's Mass. Adult volunteers plan and implement the specific, child-oriented theme. Attend monthly, planning meetings and the Children's Mass.


Eucharistic Adoration

This ministry is available in the convent chapel on Fridays, 9-10am and 3-8pm, and requires only your attentive presence.


Eucharistic Ministers

Share the bread and cup with the assembly at Eucharist.


Greeters and Ushers

Help to welcome, seat and handle practical details that make our worship flow smoothly and help the assembly feel at home. Open to men, women and teens.



Proclaim the Word of God in our worship. They prepare to minister by prayer, practice and reflection on Scripture.


Liturgy Committee

Helps prepare and evaluate our worship for liturgical seasons, special feast and events. No previous training needed. Your creativity, ability to work on a team and openness to learning about the Rites and how symbols express and shape our life experiences are all that is required.


Ministers to the Sick & Homebound

Help those who cannot be with us to feel connected and cared for by telephone calls and visits, bringing them the Eucharist, and praying with them if they wish. Family members may provide this service for their loved ones. Weekly visits are made to the local convalescent homes. Training and support are provided.

If you'd like to get involved in any of these ministries please contact Christoph.

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