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Electronic Giving

(St. Perpetua Church is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization; Tax ID. 94-2627188)


Many of us pay our bills, make purchases and conduct our banking online.  Not to be out done, St. Perpetua also offers an online option for you to make donations, pay registration fees, and purchase tickets to church events.  From the website, simply click on "Parish" and then "Donate Now" to reach the Electronic Giving portal.  From here, you can make one-time or continuing monthly donations, pay registration fees or purchase tickets to an upcoming event.  You can distribute your contribution to the church, the parish school, second collections, outreach and other church causes as you wish. You have the option of using your checking account, savings account, debit card or credit card for payment.  There is no cost to you for using this service.






St. Perpetua has selected EFT Corporation to help us manage our online giving programs.  EFT brings over 30 years of experience and strict adherence to the best industry standards for secure payment processing.  Through a secure web page accessed from the St. Perpetua web site, you are able to create and change recurring monthly donations as well as make one-time gifts. Your banking information will be held securely behind the EFT system of protections, and will not be retained here at St. Perpetua. In addition to the high level of security, the ETF system provides you with the convenience of managing your own giving, making changes at any time to recurring contributions you may have set-up.  We expect to use this same system for payment of registration fees, ticket purchases, and other non-donation transactions.  We believe everyone will enjoy the security, convenience and communications offered by online giving.



Why sign up for recurring monthly donations?


Recurring monthly donations are particularly helpful to the parish as they provide a dependable source of funding for the many church expenses that continue throughout the year, regardless of vacations, illness or the time of year. This is particularly true during the summer months when many parishioners are away on vacation or taking weekend trips, causing interruptions in their regular attendance at Mass.  The vast majority of church expenses continue throughout the year including the summer months.


What do I do when the collection plate is passed?


Parishioners who give through electronic giving and wish to participate in the giving of gifts during Mass should put their empty collection envelope in the collection basket.  Instead of entering an amount on the envelope, simply mark it as "electronic giving" or "e-giving".  That way, you can fully participate in the Mass.


How to make a one-time or recurring payment


It is simple and quick to make online payments.  First click "Donate Now" found on the Parish homepage to reach the online payment page (or click here).  You will need to indicate if you are making a new donation or modifying a recurring donation you previously made.  If you are modifying a previous recurring donation, the new instructions you enter will replace your previous instructions. Next, indicate if you are making a one-time or recurring monthly donation.  Then enter your donation amount and your method of payment (checking or savings account, debit or credit card).  Lastly, tell us who you are.  When you click on "Review Your Donation", you will be given an opportunity to make sure all the information is correct before it is sent for processing.


Back to Giving homepage Next topic: Special Cash Gifts

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